To get information about payments go to ****

In main window push the button “Account balance”:


In this window you will find all movements.


  1. Select the filter dates from → to and press “Filter button”.
  2. Available balance - amount in your balance which will be paid out to your main account.
  3. Balance at the beginning - amount in your balance on the date “from” in selected filter.
  4. Incoming - incoming amount to your balance account in selected period (commission deducted).
  5. Outgoing - paid out amount to your real account in selected period.

Transactions list: 6. Payment amount - Amount, which has been paid by your client. 7. Fee - DennyPay commission deducted on the moment of the payment by our agreement. 8. Amount = Payment amount - Fee 9. Tip amount - if on the moment of payment has been left some tips to the employee you will see it in this column. 10. Press “Export as Excel file” and all amount will be exported to excel file. DennyPay system will allow to download file from section “Generated reports”.
