If you need to create a new bill push the button “Add new Bill”
Fill in all mandatory fields:
Description of the fields: a) Bill title: Use the bill name to describe the order.
b) Payment policy:
b.1) Non-refundable: Your client must make the payment equal payment request amount.
b.2) Flexible: Your client can pay the order or authorize the credit card. After card authorization, the seller can charge the shopper's card regarding the order policy.
b.3) Card authorization: The shopper can only authorize the card without payment possibility.
c) Start date of services provided and - End date of services provided: The period during which this bill will cover services.
d) Room number and Room type: If the seller is a hotel, you can mark the assigned room type and room number.
e) Your client's contact details and language in which he will receive the bill details
f) Payment amount and Description of payment request.
g) Optional checkboxes:
g.1) Do not store card details. It means that if the guest pays by credit card, the card date will be not tokenized, and the seller will have no possibility to charge the guest's card.
g.2) Do not send payment request email to the client. It means that after bill creation your client doesn’t receive the email with a payment request. Su type of bills can be used in the future to collect payment by POS terminal.
g.3) Do not prompt 3D secure. This type of bill can be used to charge Agoda, HotelBeds, Expedia, and Booking.com virtual cards.
After the bill creation, depending on your bill settings your client receive an email with a payment request: